How to Direct Warp: Set Up Your Rigid-Heddle Loom
While there are several methods for warping, the one every rigid-heddle weaver should know is the direct warping method. These instructors will help you learn how to warp like a pro!
(1) 5.0 average rating -
How to Make Dorset Buttons [Slideshow Webinar]
Join Kate Larson as she shares some of the history of Dorset buttons and guides you through making several button styles.
(5) 3.4 average rating -
Baltic Pick-Up on the Inkle Loom
Explore Baltic pick-up, from setting up your inkle loom to weaving bands efficiently to getting tidy selvedges.
(16) 4.6 average rating -
Beginning Weaving on the Rigid-Heddle Loom
Go from novice to completing your first project in just a few days! This comprehensive course teaches all the basics of warping, weaving, and beyond to get you started confidently. Sponsored by Kromski
(8) 5.0 average rating -
[Video Only] A Fiber Artist’s Guide to Color
In A Fiber Artist's Guide to Color, artist Laura Bryant will take you outside of the color wheel so you can create vibrant optical mixtures that are anything but ordinary.
(8) 4.9 average rating -
About Silk: Mini-Series with Karen Selk
This 5-part mini-series taps into Karen's decades of experience to share knowledge, tips, and interesting tidbits about silk. Sponsored by Treenway Silks.
(23) 5.0 average rating -
Twill on the Rigid-Heddle Loom: Weave Diagonals, Diamonds, and More
Set up your loom for twill and learn how to convert multi-shaft drafts to start weaving astounding designs.
(22) 4.8 average rating -
Pick-Up Stick Basics and Beyond with Sara Goldenberg White
Learn pick-up stick skills for the rigid-heddle loom that will take your cloth from plain weave to wow.
(16) 5.0 average rating -
Huck Lace on the Rigid-Heddle Loom
Explore amazing lace patterns and gain the skills to start weaving lace using just your rigid-heddle loom and a pick-up stick.
(5) 5.0 average rating -
Color-and-Weave on the Rigid-Heddle Loom
Learn to weave graphic, complex-looking patterns on your rigid-heddle loom—no pick-up stick required.
(8) 4.9 average rating -
Tablet Weaving Made Easy
Get ready to start tablet weaving with John Mullarkey! This course will cover tips for the best tablet-weaving tools and materials, how to read a tablet-weaving draft, and so much more!
(31) 5.0 average rating -
Expressive Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom
In this course, join Esther Rodgers and learn a variety of techniques and effects to expand your creativity and enjoyment of weaving on a rigid heddle loom.
(19) 4.9 average rating -
[Video Only] Creative Pin-Loom Designs
In this short video, Angela discusses the fundamentals of weaving on a pin loom and explores the big possibilities of a small loom.
(13) 4.1 average rating -
Double-Faced Tablet Weaving
In Double-Faced Tablet Weaving, John Mullarkey teaches one of the most fascinating aspects of tablet weaving: how the structure combines aspects of spinning and weaving, and how twist affects design.
(7) 5.0 average rating -
[Video Only] Twice as Nice: Weaving with Two Heddles on a Rigid-Heddle Loom
Liz Gipson will guide you in this video to discover the various fabrics you can weave with two heddles, starting with how to set up your loom in the direction warping method.
(17) 4.7 average rating -
[Video Only] Life After Warping
Liz Gipson believes that weaving should be a fun and easy process for everyone. In Life After Warping you'll learn about the proper tools to use, how to transition colors smoothly, and what to do if you bust a warp thread.
(4) 5.0 average rating -
[Video Only] Slots and Holes: Three Ways to Warp a Rigid-Heddle Loom
In Slots and Holes, Liz Gipson will show will show you how to warp your rigid-heddle loom quickly and easily so that you can create anything from plain fabrics, to plaids or complex stripes.
(22) 4.9 average rating -
[Video Only] Double Your Fun: Doubleweave on a Rigid Heddle Loom
In this video, Liz Gipson will walk you through setting up the loom, placing pick-up sticks, weaving a variety of doubleweave patterns, and troubleshooting issues you may run into along the way.
(6) 5.0 average rating -
[Video Only] Pin Loom Weaving in New Dimensions
Pin loom weaving is fun, portable, easy, and little squares are just the beginning. From weaving to 3-dimensional design, Deb will have your imagination working overtime as you explore what your little loom can do.
(6) 4.3 average rating -
Weave Turned Krokbragd on an Inkle Loom
Learn to use a simple inkle loom to weave delightful three-shed bands.
(38) 4.8 average rating -
The Weaver's Yarn Companion
Tom Knisely has been weaving for more than four decades. In this course, filmed on location at his studio in Pennsylvania, Tom helps you navigate the vast array of yarns available to weavers today.
(20) 5.0 average rating -
Wet-Finishing for Weavers with Laura Fry
In this course, join expert weaving instructor Laura Fry and learn how to bring your woven cloth to its greatest potential.
(8) 5.0 average rating -
[Video Only] Creative Weaving: Designing with Hemstitching
In this video, Sara Bixler will show you how you can use hemstitching to add interest to the body of your fabric, as a way to enhance handwoven lace, as a lace technique in itself, and as a way to add color and graphic elements to your weaving.
(17) 4.9 average rating -
[Video Only] Creative Weaving: Brooks Bouquet with Sara Bixler
In her Creative Weaving series, weaver and teacher Sara Bixler shows how you can make exciting, attractive cloth on a rigid-heddle loom or any loom.
(5) 4.8 average rating
Little Looms All Access Courses
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