If you'd like to download this video, please visit https://shop.longthreadmedia.com/products/creative-pin-loom-designs-video-download  (this is a streaming only video).

In this short video, Angela discusses the fundamentals of weaving on a pin loom.

She covers:

  • Yarns that work on the loom
  • How to warp the loom for weaving
  • Different patterns and color combinations to try
  • How to finish the cloth when done weaving
  • And much more!

This is a great video for pin loom beginners, or anyone who needs a refresher on this fun little loom.


Angela Tong

Knitting & Weaving Designer

Angela Tong is a knitwear designer and weaver living in New Jersey. She enjoys teaching weaving, knitting, and crochet online and at fiber events. She is a regular contributor to Little Looms magazine.


Really good for beginners.

“I got a Zoom Loom recently and I was having trouble making sense of the directions. After watching the first half of this video, I was able to warp it with no trouble and weave my first couple of rows! Overall this was really good for beginners like me; the instructor had a good sense for contrasting colors to use to demonstrate techniques where you could see what was going on.” - Ragan Buckley

Five stars!

“Lots of tips about designing and finishing blocks!” - Amy Stevenson

Good inspiration to start pin loom weaving.

“This course is a thoughtful and interesting tempter to try pin loom weaving. I had never really considered it up to now, but I'm definitely intrigued by the possibilities presented.” - Emily Ghiz