If you'd like to download this video, please visit https://shop.longthreadmedia.com/products/twice-as-nice-weaving-with-two-heddles-on-a-rigid-heddle-loom-video-download?variant=29318340050978 (this is a streaming only video).


Weaving with two heddles on a rigid-heddle loom increases your possibilities for patterns, allowing you to weave finer fabrics. Liz Gipson will guide you in this video to discover the various fabrics you can weave with two heddles, starting with how to set up your loom in the direction warping method. You’ll learn how to coordinate two heddles, place pick-up sticks and heddle rods, and even create twill! Liz will teach you techniques for getting past places that are commonly confusing, so you’ll know how to fix mistakes even before they happen. Liz helps you gain a firm foundation for weaving with two heddles on a rigid-heddle loom.


Love this Course!

“I have been looking for a tutorial that shows the details for warping with two heddles. The instructor did a great job of explaining the processes included here, warping, weave structures, and using additional tools. This course made it clear and concise. I now feel confident to start weaving with two heddles and beginning the next adventures in weaving. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to expand their knowledge beyond single heddle weaving on a ridged heddle loom.” - Darlene Ware

Thorough and well paced

“Liz does an amazing job clarifying terms and explaining in detail as she goes along but she also keeps a consistent pace so she is always moving forward. The perfect introduction to numerous techniques for weaving on a rigid heddle loom with two heddles. ” - Emily Franco

Enjoyable and Informative

“What a great video! I learned so much and appreciate all of Liz's tips and tricks. She's an amazing resource. ” - LAUREN DILLON