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In A Fiber Artist's Guide to Color, artist Laura Bryant will take you outside of the color wheel so you can create vibrant optical mixtures that are anything but ordinary. She'll provide you with the tools to evaluate color quantity, use Fibonacci numbers in design and much more. This video is great for weavers who want to take their color designs and patterns to the next level through the skill of color arrangement.

You'll Love This Weaving Video If:

  • You want to create vibrant color wraps
  • You want to learn more about optical color mixture
  • You want to get an inside look at color relationships and sorting fiber colors

In A Fiber Artist's Guide to Color You'll Learn:

  • How to identify variegated yarns that really work — and ones that don't
  • How to create woven scarves, jackets, and complete ensembles with colors to die for
  • How to manage color juxtapositions

A Word From the Author:

"With more and more color choices appearing in the fiber world, it's the perfect time to develop skills to take advantage of what's available. I'll walk you through the basics of color, specifically as it applies to fiber. You'll break out of the mold, experiment with color combinations and see a whole new world unfold. You'll confidently be able to choose colors that express the aesthetic that you're seeking, and you'll learn about my only axiom, “you don't get wow by doing the expected." — Laura Bryant

About the Author:

Laura Bryant is the Creative Director and Founder of Prism Yarns who specializes in the fine art of color and textiles. As a life-long knitter, she strives to enhance fiber colors as they are arranged together to create striking combinations. Laura isn't afraid to jump outside of the color wheel and experiment with new weave drawdowns that will surprise you with just a few simple color changes.

What Other Weavers Are Saying:

"Laura Bryant has given me the capacity to see why some color choices I've made in the past in knitting just haven't worked, and I think I will be much better equipped in the future, both for weaving and knitting. " — TRUDI, NEW YORK



“This is the most valuable resource re: color that I've ever seen. Wonderful video. ” - Karen Harmin

Excellent visuals

“So glad I watched this video. The sorting of the color cards and all the visual with color cards and yarns was very helpful. A must watch for every fiber artist no matter level of experience.” - Lisa Smayda


“This was a great introduction in how to start to "see" color. I will be thinking a lot about "weight" now as I look at and choose yarns, and about seeking out the unexpected in color, as well as inspiration from photographs, art, etc. Thank you!” - Shari Brown Sweeney