[Video Only] Color Magic: Color Families
In this video, master colorist and crafter Deb Menz introduces you to the family traits of colors. What is a “warm" blue? How does yellow affect everything around it, and how can you use that to your advantage?
(4) 4.8 average rating -
[Video Only] Color Magic: Value and Harmony
In this video, master colorist and crafter Deb Menz explains how to compose with colors in a variety of mediums to create just the mood and impression you want.
(5) 4.8 average rating -
[Video Only] Overdyeing with Natural Dyes
Just as primary colors—blue, red, and yellow—combine to produce the rest of the color wheel, natural dyes can be combined and modified to produce the full color palette.
(3) 4.7 average rating -
[Video Only] Natural Dyeing
Who understands color better than Mother Nature? From quiet to riotous, nature’s color schemes are always harmonious, and natural dyes can be used to create beautiful, vibrant colorways.
(4) 5.0 average rating -
Natural Dyeing with Dagmar Klos
In this video, master dyer Dagmar Klos introduces you to the secrets of dyeing your fiber, yarn, and textiles with nature’s perfect palette.
(5) 4.8 average rating -
[Video Only] Dyeing in the Kitchen
Deb Menz knows the process of dyeing yarn inside out, and she is a master of making color alchemy attainable for anyone. All you need is some wool, silk, or other protein fiber and a few basic dye powders to mix and match as you please.
(14) 4.9 average rating -
Knitting Lithuanian Socks
In Knitting Lithuanian Socks Part 1, you'll learn about the rich history of Lithuania and how it's knitting culture has been translated into contemporary culture.
(3) 5.0 average rating -
[Video Only] Entrelac Knitting
Learn Kathryn's tips and techniques with her video workshop Entrelac Knitting: Surface Design with Yarn. A fun way to use your handspun, you'll add depth and intrigue to your knitted masterpieces.
(1) 4.0 average rating -
[Video Only] Andean Knitting
In Andean Knitting with Nilda Callanaupa Alvarez you'll explore a culture of knitting from the highlands of Peru that has recently experienced a resurgence throughout the world.
(2) 5.0 average rating -
[Video Only] Knits of Yore
A close look at some curious, perplexing, and estimable knitted objects from the past 200 years.
(5) 5.0 average rating -
About Silk: Mini-Series with Karen Selk
This 5-part mini-series taps into Karen's decades of experience to share knowledge, tips, and interesting tidbits about silk. Sponsored by Treenway Silks.
(23) 5.0 average rating -
How to Make Dorset Buttons [Slideshow Webinar]
Join Kate Larson as she shares some of the history of Dorset buttons and guides you through making several button styles.
(5) 3.4 average rating
Farm & Fiber Knits Courses
The following courses are included with Farm & Fiber Knits Subscriptions