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  • 101 Level Course

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Create Colorful Self-Striping Effects

Have you ever wanted to push the limits of your favorite fiber? Learn to take handpainted tops and colorful batts beyond basic barberpole or chain-plied yarns with fractal spinning. In this video course, instructor Heavenly Bresser teaches you to plan, spin, and ply self-striping yarns that celebrate every hue in your fiber.

As you follow along, you’ll learn:

  • How to identify the color distribution in handpainted top
  • How to divide top and batts for different fractal effects
  • Forward-draw tips for color control
  • Ways to drum card batts for crisp color transitions
  • Tips for even color when spinning from the fold

An Introduction from Instructor Heavenly Bresser

What is fractal spinning?

A term borrowed from the world of math, a fractal is a pattern that contains smaller and smaller versions of itself. A handspun fractal combines one ply of the main color pattern with one or more plies that have shorter lengths of the same color pattern.

Why would you want to spin fractal yarns?

The color pattern you love in a handpainted braid or colorful batt can get distorted, muddied, and overpowered in a basic plied yarn. Planning the color distribution with a fractal yarn lets you control how the colors emerge in the yarn and preserve the rhythm of the color progression, keeping the gorgeous original colors and creating easy-to-use self-striping plied yarn.

With this fun and creative approach, you’ll learn how to turn your favorite dyed tops and batts into amazing, color-changing yarn. Join expert handspinner, dyer, and teacher Heavenly Bresser as she shows how to turn beautiful fiber into stunning yarn.


Heavenly Bresser

Heavenly Bresser is the owner of Heavenly Knitchet. She is an award-winning handspinner and teacher at major fiber events throughout the United States. Aside from spinning and teaching, she can be found dyeing fibers and making jewelry. Her goal is to inspire, encourage, and uplift other fiber artists.


Very complete overview

“This was an excellent video showing the process of prepping fiber for fractal spinning. I have read several articles, but having the video actually demonstrating the process was great. The video goes one step further than any article I have read, and explains how to prepare a batt on the drum carder. Heavenly is very clear in describing what her hands are doing while the video angles emphasize the focus area. This course was broken into smaller segments, which is helpful for the viewer...both to break up the process steps and to review them easily, as well as for watching the course over a longer period of several days.” - linda Suppan

Learn Something New Every Day!

“I have been spinning fractal for years but never dreamed there could be so much about fractal spinning I didn't know. Heavenly really went in-depth with her study of the subject and I am so happy I was able to learn what she shared about it. Now my next fractal spin will be one that is way better planned and not so happenstance as they have been before. (But they were unplanned beauties!)” - Michele Wrobleski

Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Meet Your Instructor

    3. Getting Started and Workbook

    4. Technical Support

    1. Color Relationships and Choosing Dyed Top

    2. More About Color Relationships

    1. Preparing the Top

    1. Spinning Technique and Plying

About this course

  • $39.99
  • 16 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content