Weaving with Novelty Yarns
Tom Knisely | Streaming Video | 116 min
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Many weavers have been taught that there are “weaving yarns" (the ones that come on cones), and then there are “novelty" knitting yarns that can't be used on a loom. In this video, master weaver, mythbuster, and yarn explorer Tom Knisely shows that weaving yarn doesn't have to come on a cone, and that weaving with novelty yarns opens a whole new world of design possibilities for woven fabric.
Tom has spent his teaching and weaving career in a yarn shop, experimenting with every kind of yarn there is, and now you can reap the riches of his vast experience, his weaving wisdom, and his ever-present sense of fun. With Tom at your side, every delicious yarn in your stash or your local yarn shop will become fertile ground for your weaving imagination.
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About the Expert:
For more than thirty years, Tom Knisely has been handweaving teacher and general manager at The Mannings Handweaving School and Supply Center in East Berlin, Pennsylvania. In addition to teaching, Tom weaves professionally and is a frequent contributor to Handwoven magazine. Voted Handwoven Teacher of the Year, Tom is renowned among his weaving students for his kindness, good humor, and “seemingly infinite knowledge on the subject of weaving."