Weave a Good Rug
Tom Knisely | Streaming Video | 195 min
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If you'd like to download this video, please visit https://shop.longthreadmedia.com/products/weave-a-good-rug-with-tom-knisely-from-fiber-to-finish-download-in-hd?variant=29318450741282 (this is a streaming only video).
Weave a Good Rug, weavers will learn how to weave a rug from beginning to end in this beginning weaving tutorial. Master weaver, Tom Knisely, will take you through fiber selection as well as preparing materials. You will learn dozens of tips and loom weaving techniques for weaving warp ref and weft rep rugs, warping techniques, and finishing techniques including braids, fringes, and binding.
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In Weave a Good Rug You'll Learn:
A Word From the Instructor:
"Give it a try, you are going to be incredibly proud of it when it's all done. It's a little bit slow going, not like dish towels would be, but my gosh, you're going to have something you are going to enjoy for decades. That's what I love about it. ." — Tom Knisely