Weaving Well
Madelyn van der Hoogt | Runtime (124 min)
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The instructor for Weaving Well, Madelyn van der Hoogt, has heard her fair share of tips for weaving well. And after teaching more than 5,000 students over the years, she’s heard her fair share of questions, too. Madeline created this video to serve as a compilation of weaving practices that she has found to be the most helpful. She guide you through everything you need to know about loom weaving so you can take your favorite yarns and turn them into beautiful cloth. For even more ideas that you can take to your weaving loom, check out Madelyn’s book, "The Weaver's Idea Book".
Run Time: 00:59:50
"When you start being a weaver, you’re usually doing everything alone. When something goes wrong, you have to figure out how to fix it. When there’s something you think you should do, you have no one to ask whether it’s the right thing to do. So we all learn our little tips and tricks for handling all of those situations alone and then share them together. I’m trying to share the tips that I’ve learned from other weavers just like you’ll be learning them from me." — Madelyn van der Hoogt
Madelyn van der Hoogt is the founder and principal instructor at the Weavers’ School in Coupeville, Washington. Madelyn learned to weave in Guatemala on a backstrap loom during the 1970s. ?She has since been the editor of Prairie Wool Companion, Weaver’s magazine, and Handwoven magazine. She is also the author of The Weaver’s Idea Book, The Complete Book of Drafting , and Comprehensive Guide to Designing and Weaving with Blocks, and instructor for Weaving Well and Warping Your Loom. Madelyn has given lectures and taught workshops on weave structures and techniques for over 25 years in the United States, Canada, and Australia.
"She starts at the beginning, takes you right down all the stages of preparing to weave. Then she starts step-by-step weaving, and shows the things that could go wrong and what you do about them. " — JANE, WALES, UNITED KINGDOM