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Do you want to spin strong, beautiful yarns without plying? Join spinning instructor Jillian Moreno to learn her expert tips and tricks for spinning the best singles, or single-ply yarns. You’ll learn how to improve your technique from fiber preparation to drafting and wheel adjustment so you can create singles yarns using both worsted and woolen methods.

Jillian covers tips for spinning non-biasing, consistent singles yarns that are perfect for knitting. Plus, learn how singles yarns can be matched with knitting projects for best effect. You’ll learn how to change the size of your singles without compromising the strength and integrity of your yarn so projects turn out great every time.

Finally, explore how to build and manipulate color in singles yarns with stunning results. Try your hand at spinning variegated, gradient, marled, and ombré marled yarns by mixing and matching fibers, colorways, and fiber preparations.

With Jillian’s fun and easy-to-follow instruction, you’ll be well on your way to spinning the best singles yarns possible.

Jillian Moreno is a spinning teacher and author whose work regularly appears in Spin-Off. She is the editor of the online magazine Knittyspin, and she is the author of Yarnitecture: A Knitter's Guide to Spinning: Building Exactly the Yarn You Want.


Terrific overview of singles spinning.

“Even though I've spun dozens of singles yarns, I still learned a lot from this course. My favorite take-away was Jillian's attention to twist direction and knitting style. I'm looking forward to my next singles spin! ” - Rosa Quiñones

Loved it

“I learned a lot. I am more of a spinner than a knitter and I really enjoyed the variety of results you can get in a single and learning ways to finish the yarn for more durability. The knitting examples really showed the advantages of using singles and considerations in selecting singles for knitting projects and even how your style of knitting will affect the outcome and how to adjust your spinning or knitting style to change this.” - Marianne Persinger

Never alone with singles again

“Excellent and constructive training detailing the way to embark on a singles spinning project from an easy and creative angle. Colour combinations meeting the right techniques to be able to knit with your singles, examples of different wool preps for different knitting samples, good tricks, well, lots of relevant information in just 42 minutes. It is concise, precise and enjoyable.” - Dominique Robertson