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Do you want the rewarding feeling of knowing that you created your fabric from scratch? In Spin to Weave Part 1 with Sara Lamb, you will learn how you can create your own handspun yarns to use in your weaving designs. She will build on the skills of selecting the proper fiber, how to spin comfortably and quickly, and multiple finishing techniques so you can take bundles of fiber and turn them into beautiful woven pieces. 

You'll Love This Spinning Video If:

  • Want to control the results of your woven fabric
  • You take pride in creating fabrics from scratch
  • You want to improve your spinning and weaving techniques

In Spin To Weave You'll Learn:

  • About the properties of quality weaving yarn
  • Which yarn or fiber to use to achieve the fabric you desire
  • How to add color effects into your spinning

A Word From the Author:

"Today we're going to talk about different yarns that you can make as a spinner, for weaving specifically. And what fibers you can use, twist differentials, shrinkage differential, all kinds of things that you need to consider as a spinner who weaves. — Sara Lamb

About the Author:

Sara Lamb is a longtime weaver, handspinner, and dyer. She enjoys working from her studio in a yurt in her Northern California backyard, and teaching at fiber conferences around the world. Sara is the author of Woven Treasures, and her work has appeared and in publications such as Spin Off; Handwoven; Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot, and numerous other books and publications. Her serene spinning and weaving styles are matched by her passion for fiber arts and her wickedly wonderful sense of humor.