Spin Flax and Cotton: Traditional Techniques
Norman Kennedy | Streaming Video | 89 min
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In Spinning Flax and Cotton, Norman Kennedy will teach you the time-honored techniques of spinning these two types of fibers. His master techniques will take you through the steps of processing and spinning flax and cotton. As a bonus, Norman will show you how to use a traditional indigo dye vat!
Video Run Time: 01:39:11
"Now when it comes to flax and linen, this would have been one of the first fibers that mankind used. Way before wool and (well in Europe) before cotton, there were some parts of the world that didn’t have flax." — Norman Kennedy
Norman Kennedy is the founder of the Marshfield School of Weaving, served as Master Weaver at Colonial Williamsburg, and received the National Endowment for the Arts National Heritage Fellowship. In his free time, he is also an accomplished singer who performed at the landmark 1965 Newport Folk Festival. Norman lives in New England.