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In "Shuttle Tatting: The Basics and More with Georgia Seitz," you'll learn to speak tatting! Master tatter Georgia Seitz shows how to create intricate lace with tatting to use as edgings, doilies and tablecloths, and embellishment. Tatting is a form of lacemaking that has a long and glorious history; it's been popular for centuries, and it's becoming increasingly popular in the 21st century. With just 2 simple implements—a shuttle and a ball of thread—you can make exquisite lace.

You'll Love This Video If:

  • You want to learn the basic steps needed to create lace with shuttle tatting
  • You're interested in creating handmade items to adorn clothing, household linens, and accessories
  • You're intrigued by the fascinating technique of shuttle tatting

In Shuttle Tatting: The Basics and More, Georgia Seitz:

  • Delves into the fascinating history of tatting
  • Displays some of her extensive collection of tatted objects and tools
  • Inspires a new appreciation for everyday handwork objects and their creation
  • Offers step-by-step instructions for making the essential elements in tatting—chains, picots, rings, and joins—along with helpful information on using tatting patterns and diagrams
  • Offers step-by-step instructions for making additional elements in tatting—split chains and rings, hiding ends, the reverse order double stitch, double and triple picots, and lots of tips and tricks to make your tatting experience richer
  • Shares some finished tatted objects, including bookmarks, ornaments, edgings for handkerchiefs, and more
  • Delves into the fascinating history of tatting

About the Artist:

Georgia Seitz, who graduated from Indiana State University, served in the United States Army as a Chinese linguist in Japan and a German linguist in Germany. She learned to tat in 1979 and hasn't stopped. She has been teaching tatting since 1985; in addition to her numerous teaching engagements, she offers an online tatting class. Her first nationally published tatting patterns appeared in the November/December 1993 issue of PieceWork magazine, and she has written a series of books on tatting.

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I Can Tat!

“I took several weeks viewing the videos, practicing between sessions. Georgia's instruction was clear and easy to view. I loved that she didn't edit out her 'oops' moments - it made me feel like my oops were perfectly ok and I could keep trying. Her use of humor was fabulous!” - TONYIA LITTLE