Block Weaves
Madelyn van der Hoogt | Runtime (115 min)
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Madelyn van der Hoogt designed Block Weaves specifically as an overview of all of the possibilities that you can use to create with block weaves. Her talented guidance will show you how to blend different colors, weaving structures to make unique designs of your very own. For a detailed guide on how to create a variety of block weaves with great written instructions, check out this eBook from Madelyn, Comprehensive Guide to Designing and Weaving with Blocks PDF.
"What I'm hoping is that the video actually has in it all of the elements you need to understand how to work with block weaves. [It's designed] to give you the whole overview of how you go from a design like a block draft, to an actual specific draft for weaving." — Madelyn van der Hoogt
Madelyn van der Hoogt is the founder and principal instructor at the Weavers' School in Coupeville, Washington. Madelyn learned to weave in Guatemala on a backstrap loom during the 1970s. ?She has since been the editor of Prairie Wool Companion, Weaver's magazine, andHandwoven magazine. She is also the author of The Weaver's Idea Book,The Complete Book of Drafting , and Comprehensive Guide to Designing and Weaving with Blocks, and instructor for Weaving Well and Warping Your Loom. Madelyn has given lectures and taught workshops on weave structures and techniques for over 25 years in the United States, Canada, and Australia.